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Our Health Education Campaigns with the Soccer Teams to improved COVID-19 vaccination

CHWCMR is working against the clock to talk about the importance to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 due to the highly contagious and lethal variables, such as Delta.

Melissa Lazaro, Silvia Macedas and Dr. Ponce-Gonzalez were working all date in Mount Vermont. Where most of 10 soccer teams competed for the big price on August 29, 2021.

We talked with more than 200 families about the importance to get vaccine to everyone who is 12 > more. We also played with our children who won gift as a bag pack, toys, and the families also got some clothes and pregnant women useful thing for their babies. We also talked with two people, who did not like to take the COVID-19 vaccine, they gave their point of view and we told them the true. There are so much to do in our communities, because the disinformation target minorities, unemployment rate due to the pandemic, lack of food and money to buy school supplies. If you would like to help us contact: ilenaponce@chwcoalition.or


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